Batch parts system

Die Software für Industrieverpackung und Lagerwirtschaft

Batch parts system

The batch parts system mainly relates to orders, which include a large quantity of small parts to be packed. Using this system, you can generate automated packing and colli lists in different languages/using different character sets. The label system is a key component that serves to label and identify goods.

The label system includes import, design and printing of the label. Your customer creates an Excel table containing all the information about an item that is required for the label and subsequent documents. This Excel table is imported to the corresponding order. The final design of the label and documents, e.g. packing lists, is carried out via the form designer.

There are no limits when it comes to designing labels in Cratemaker. You make the created labels available to your customers or suppliers, who identify their material using multiple labels.

This means that at your end, from the moment the goods are received, you are able to determine the exact material specifications and assign them to the respective customer order. The barcode found on the label enables you to create colli lists in a jiffy.

You compile the package contents, then create loading plans for the lorry or container. You know which lorry will transport your goods. The entire shipping line is displayed transparently.

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