Real-time process status

Die Software für Industrieverpackung und Lagerwirtschaft

Real-time process status

Orders with increasingly tight deadlines pose a challenge for your packing company. The generated schedule is influenced by orders with short turnaround times, which must be communicated to employees, so that orders are processed within their deadlines.

In addition to workload curves, employees can also see their performance using the diaphragm elements.

With the Cratemaker-Worker desktop application, Cratemaker provides the solution for modern packing companies. 
All the deadlines that you record or amend in the office during the order management process can be seen by employees in Cratemaker-Worker, meaning they can react accordingly. The workload curve for each area is formed by assigning deadlines. The packing status is amended by employees scanning the barcode on the status sheet using a barcode scanner. This means that the current status of a packing job can be viewed in the office at all times.

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