Cratemaker is the software for export packing of industrial goods transported via air and sea freight.
Cratemaker covers all the basic and cross-sectional functionalities within an export packing company.
This starts with basic functionalities, such as procurement, goods management and production, and moves on to cross-sectional functionalities, such as invoicing and dunning through to complex statistics. Cratemaker’s development started in 1980 and has expanded according to our daily work as an industrial packer. These actions allow you to identify errors quickly and deal with them without delay. No software company can offer you this advantage, as they do not work with the developed software product. Change requests or implementation of new functions are discussed with our customers in detail. As we, Werner Kuhlmann GmbH, use the software for our own main field of business, we are also able to understand and implement our customers’ requests, which a company only creating software cannot. That is the advantage of Cratemaker – we understand your needs! Cratemaker is designed to be modular in order to provide a cost-effective pricing structure, which is adapted to your needs.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like some advice or have any questions.
Werner Kuhlmann GmbH
Hülsbergstr. 274-276
45772 Marl
Tel: 023 65/98 78 0
Fax: 023 65/98 78 18